Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Quiet Passage

A cherry tree grew
With no promises
Fruits do not make a tree
It roots do

The ground grew wild flowers
A coffin fell apart
Under it
Flowers never knew the secret

Rain fell upon
The cherry tree and wild flowers
The coffin got wet
Drop by drop

The coffin was already wet
Of tears and songs
The cherry tree grew
With no promises

Of fruits

October 25, 2017

©Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2017

Sunday, October 22, 2017


It is that space
Between two looks
That reminds us
How to be one

One with oneself
When others dance
Step in long step
And chest to chest

And in that space
Only thoughts echo
Only memories flow
Away from silence

For silence is like shadow
In need of a bright day
Upon streets of stone
Near balconies of iron and wood

It is that space
Where names call on August nights
Names upon which
Time has had no mercy

October 22, 2017

©Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2017

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Molina Prostrata

Older women
Only young women
Can provide
During full

          Older men
          Under a full

                    They hear
                    A coyote

                              At sunrise
                              They search
                              For a matron

October 14, 2017

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

Very Late at Night

I may let the wind
Take me on a flight
Into a space I know
And over a thought I often

I may ask the clock
To keep its arms apart
Like I did once
In a train station
In August

I may let the flow
Guide where I aim to go
Hoping to not again end up
Where I have already been

And when I get there
The wind may die down
The flow would become a pond
And the clock would rewind

As I have done
Every August

October 9, 2017

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2017

Thursday, October 5, 2017

But I still Have Molly

I walk my dog on the square of the small cowboy town a few miles from home. Now my dog is 14 years old, he lost sight in one eye, and I need to speak louder for him to hear. Still, he looks forward to these daily walks. In fact, we walk less and less. He stops frequently, says hello to the dogs he meets every day, and at some point just lays down there watching the world pass him by.

So our “walks” are really social outing, not exercise any more.

During these social moments, I meet many of those in a similar situation as I am. So we talk about our dogs, the weather, and sometimes women.
One of these folks is a man who walks Molly. I have now seen and talked to him a few times in the past year and enjoy seeing him. He is in his late 80s perhaps, but in good shape and always in good spirits. Molly is a mix, mostly Collie. She is 5 years old and very calm, making her the perfect “laying down” companion for my Rocky.

I had not seen Molly or the man-at-the-other-end of her leash for a while. I saw them this afternoon.
“How are you, “ I asked.
He rotated his right hand sidewise. “Coussi-coussa.”
“Your back acting up again?”
“No, I lost my wife.”

We looked at each other for a few minutes. There is nothing to say in moments like that.
“She was unable to recognize us for a while. Three weeks ago she fell and broke a clavicle. Then the hospital, and nursing home.”
“Were you with her when she passed?” I asked.
“Yes, she sat down to have dinner in her bed, did not eat. A minute later she was gone.”

I put my arm around him, and he put his around me. We stayed silent for a while.
“We were married for 62 years,” he said, “we had a good life.”

And then he looked down, smiled slightly and said:
“But I still have Molly.”

October 5, 2017

©Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2017

Sunday, October 1, 2017

New Blog

I wanted to let my visitors know that I started a new blog where I will be displaying some of my experimentations with painting and other modes of visual expressions. I am eager to hear comments!!

The blog can be seen at this link:

October 1, 2017

©Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2017