Saturday, November 20, 2021

Cactus Flower


You do not need to be

An open wound

To be

A wound


You do not to be

An undealt card

To excel

At the game


You do not need

To hear the Orinoco flow

To celebrate

The promise

Of every rain drop


And you do not

Have to go

To Torino

To claim

Me ne frego


But you need 

To return

In a new form

And surprise



November 19, 2021

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Raven and His Roadmap



Cities of stone, faces unshaved

And doubtful

Lemonade with rose water

And uncertain tomorrows


Cities of steel, frigid autumns

And cold coffee

Brown eyes deeper than night

And forgotten promises


Cities dust, of desert sun

And lonesome walks

Burning vast skies

And wolves at dawn


Cities where my compass

And its South

Pointed only inward

And let me find


What I had never lost

In cities of stone, steel and dust

The promise

To find

My own



November 14, 2021

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2021

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Veronica arvensis



And the piper got paid

While the show was




It was an empty box

Tied with corn speedwell

Flowered in blue

And dry


And the piper

Kept that box

Next to a bed

Of orchids


In a place

Where winter weeds


Spring would come




And the show

Will go on


November 7, 2021

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2021