Thursday, December 23, 2021

To Breathe Fire Again


On the path where I walk with my dog, someone had given life to a dead tree. This morning, a dragon looked over the path.

Volcanoes wake up hibernating mountains. Memories make us dream again. And mirrors reflect upon our changing faces over time.

Or, are mountains simply dormant volcanoes? Do dreams remind us not to let memories in the past? And, do our aging faces hope that mirrors, one morning, would reflect back the spark we once had in our eyes?

No matter. On that path the now dragon-shaped old tree is just a dead tree for my dog. But a moment of reflection for me.


December 23, 2021

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2021

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Way I Want to Remember Then Paint to Forget



Old leaves fell

And we walked




It was all silent

In the forest


Our path


Which we never chose

But it took us


The night ends


… Then

Old leaves fell

Even when

Our feet forgot


That the forest

At night


New paths


To take





December 20, 2021

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2021


This is a painting I did for memories I hope to recall more than once

Saturday, December 4, 2021




Every candle burns

Only once


Every dissonant cord

Finds its tremble 

On a violin’s bridge

At intermezzo


Or when dormant


Next to an unkept



Every candle burns

Only once


Then it becomes

That dissonant promise

Of sunset skies

Over parched lands


Where I lost

My violin

As I forgot

How fingers travel

How fingers bleed in silence

Over steel cords


To recall a name

As lonesome

As a candle



Yet candles burn

Only once

And my flame

Has now found

Its sunset 



December 4, 2021

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2021