Sunday, September 8, 2024

Struggimento and Euthymia



I may find again

The promise and the calm

We once thought

As a stormy story


It was  an old story

Yet poetry and ordinary

And lonesome walks

In smoky train stations


And, like after an August rain

Waves left the mossy rocks

And the beach dried in the sun

Still touching the bluest sea


And I found, in that respite,

The promise to walk on unmoon nights

Without leaving shadows behind

And it became my road


My way


September 8, 2024                  

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Pietro Calvi’s Othello and Memories of Leonard Cohen



Just before sunrise, when I was walking my dog in a narrow street, I came face to face with Pietro Calvi’s Othello. It was a bit surreal, and I blamed the vision to the weak coffee I had brewed.

But it was real. There it was, outside the house, on the concrete, Othello’s bust that made Calvi famous in 1870. It was homage by Calvi to the African American actor Ira Aldridge, the first Black actor to play Othello in England in 1825.


There were ten versions of the marble and bronze bust and I had seen one of them in the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore. Now, I was facing a plaster duplica, left on the ground, in Prescott, Arizona. It was beautifully done though, although the desert weather had taken its toll. But Desdemona’s handkerchief was there, so was the single tear on Othello’s face.


I took a quick picture and I move on. My dog did not seem to appreciate Shakespeare interfering with his morning walk.


A mile or so in to the walk, somehow, I thought of Leonard Cohen. Perhaps it was the tortured soul of Othello; or the influence L. Cohen’s poetry has had on my youth. It was a fond memory, and I did not mind letting my dog extend his morning promenade longer than usual.


… It was 1976 and I was a college student in Montreal. We were francophone then, but L. Cohen was already a rebel troubadour for my generation. I recall going to one of his concerts in Vancouver, even though we did not understand all his words – but we did associate with his persona and outlook.


The last time I saw L. Cohen was in 2009, at the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia Maryland. He was an old man now, and it was one of his last concerts. Now his voice had given way to all the wisdom his life had allowed him to keep.

For me, it was like turning the last page of a book, knowing the ending, but still hoping for a surprise.


When I came back home and fed my dog, I brewed a stronger pot of coffee and let my experience and feelings of the morning walk find their war in and into words.


Here is what came out – not surprisingly Cohenesque lines within that single tear on Othello’s face:



Life is designed to overthrow you


While you write to clear your mind


About what can be


On blank paper that once was a proud tree



And it wasn't an offering


But was offered, anyhow


And your words


Looked like a wooden bowl


Tasting of honey


And your song sounded like a newborn


Learning from you


About you


Knowing he will become you


One day


After his first heartbreak 



Life is designed to overthrow you


Even when you're at the foothills


Of where sunsets burn the clouds


To shade names


And bathe sad brown eyes


In offering



August 17, 2024

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024



Around the bend


There were naked trees

Letting the breeze through

Shading their own roots

In snow and

Greeting lonesome souls


But I walked by

To follow the road


And when I reached the meadows

Where in rocks I once covered

A name I had given

To those I had not yet met


I looked back.

The road was following me


July 21, 2024

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The “Salmon Syndrome” and Nostalgia: How Silver Bridges Help Us Get Across


The summer heat has settled upon Arizona’s desert, and I have to minimize my outdoor activities for a short while. My dog agrees, and takes only two long walks these days – one before sunrise, and another two hours after sunset.

So, this morning I found refuge in thoughts especially about seas and lakes.

The Mediterranean, the bluest of seas, shaped my youth. As an adult I have traveled on and around all the oceans of our planet and countless lakes. Yet, when I think of the Mediterranean, the origin of the Greek words nostos and algos always come to mind. The western combination of these words is nostalgia, translated as “acute homesickness”, or returning home (nostos) and pain (algos).

As a healthcare professional, I spent many years in Italy, especially Bari, Bologna and Ferrara. At the University of Bologna I learned about Giovanni Pascoli, a 19th century poet and homme des letters. His poetry was a celebration of the quotidian, written simply but with a touch of mysticism. One of his poems, title “Mare” (Sea) is a classic.

I had not read that poem for decades, and this morning’s nostalgia lead me to a search for “Mare”. 

I found a lovely literary blog site by Matilda Colarossi, a writer who translates in English classic and modern fiction Italian works. Her translation of Pascoli’s “Mare” is beautifully done and can be found via this link:

 Here is the poem, in its original language and the translation to English by Colarossi:


Giovanni Pascoli  

M’affaccio alla finestra, e vedo il mare:
vanno le stelle, tremolano l’onde.
Vedo stelle passare, onde passare:
un guizzo chiama, un palpito risponde.  

Ecco sospira l’acqua, alita il vento:
sul mare è apparso un bel ponte d’argento.  

Ponte gettato sui laghi sereni,
per chi dunque sei fatto e dove meni?  


Giovanni Pascoli  

I look out my window, I see the sea:
a flitting of stars, a quivering of waves.
I see stars passing, waves passing;
a flicker calls, a throb replies.  

Now the water sighs, the winds exhales:
on the sea a silver bridge appears.  

Bridge thrown over silent lakes,
for whom are you made, where do you lead?    

Translation ©Matilda Colarossi 2022    


Celebrating the daily moments many of us take for granted or find ordinary has been the impetus of the expression genres I have pursued in the past half a century. As a photographer, I have looked for stories in streets of four continents, and captured them in B&W. My first book was a novella, and the half a dozen that followed were travel stories about people and places. My poetry was published in anthologies and British medical journals always dealing with people’s attitudes to the basic joys, fears and hopes, no matter their cultural inheritance, language they spoke or history they never forget.

As such, it has always been about “returning home”, the pain of that return never shadowing the joy of each return. It has been about nostalgia, which I have renamed as “The Salmon Syndrome” – we return home to give a chance for the next generations to return home, at their own time, for one last time.

Back to Pascoli’s poem.

The first stanza’s imagery is elegant yet simple.  We all have experienced the waves and stars when near a sea. What breaks that usual scenery is poet’s description of the sea suddenly sighing, winds exhaling and the waters acquiring a human expression. And, there is the mysticism – a silver bridge appears out of that transformation. More, that bridge is not only in or above the sea, but the poet has also seen it over “silent lakes”, bodies of water that perhaps do not sigh, and winds do not exhale. And Pascoli suggests that silver bridges are made for lakes, even when he sees one in the sea.

Those four short lines make us think. Not about the poet, but about ourselves. Where do these bridges lead? Is the sea, home of rivers, also home of lakes? Are those bridges even more transcendent as paths to our own consciousness? Do they make us homesick, be that of a terrestrial or a mystic home?

… And, I recalled a moment in Trento, next to Lago Di Caldonazzo, with a friend. We looked at the calm lake but somehow she thought of bridges too, and used a charming Italian saying to bring her own thoughtful mysticism to the apparent serenity surrounding us:

“Ma, l’aqua cheta la butta giú I ponti” – our best bridges can be destroyed by calm waters.

I wrote about that moment here:


I am glad it is 102F degrees outside and that my dog is snoring under my desk as I write. It was a refreshing, memories journey back to Bologna and re-reading Pascoli’s “Mare”.


PS/ The photo of the bridge is one I took in Paris, over the Seine. The man on the river wall is pensive.  The bridge is not made of silver. And the ducks are listening to the water sigh.


July 4, 2024

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024

And the Moth Remained in the Butterfly



Metamorphosis. Every artist dreams of transforming a sheep skin, a papyrus, a stone or a petrified drift wood into a story to share. And in the process, to become what she or he always was.

… The heat is back to the desert and I found a cool corner to think, with my dog gently snoring under my desk.

And I recalled how for decades, at medical and public health conferences, I was introduced as a “storyteller” not a man who may have ideas about epidemics and human behaviour. Or human behaviour and epidemics.  In a way, I had become who I always was – one who observes and finds a story to tell. By writing, photography, or mixing colours on whatever I could find to call a canvas.

Telling a story goes beyond reporting, though. It is a search that involves those shaping that story. It is how we transform a casual observation into becoming personal, for each reader or listener. In that sense, an artist is a chemist, mixing substances and elements in search of that transformation into a new one.

Interestingly, the oldest definition of chemistry is “Al Chemia” in Arabic, and the Western term Alchemy derived from it but took on a new meaning vis à vis the scientific patina of chemistry. Alchemy became that search for transforming lead to gold; common materials to precious ones; and, the analysis of the inner flow as secrets rivers run in each one of us.

It became synonymous with the obstinate search of the Philosopher’s Stone, a term cornered by a French bookseller in 1382.

And the world rediscovered the Greek word for changing shape from metamorphoum to metamorphösis and became the Latin equivalent of transformation. Centuries later, using the observation of a moth becoming a butterfly, social and clinical psychoanalysis was born when Jung and Freud found their way to tell a story based on the behaviour of those they observed.

… As a health care professional, I visualised psychoanalysis as a psychiatrist, holding a fishing rod, casting into those inner secrets rivers. A simple image yet a comforting one. Not in that the fisherman was allowed to have access to our secret rivers, but because of the fact that we all have those rivers.

However, and over time, I learned to wonder if those rivers know (or knew) where to flow. If the butterfly still has the moth in it. Hence if we just see a transformation in shape but not in nature and identity. In other words, that we discover the Philosopher’s Stone only when we realise that lead will remain lead even if we can transform its appearance to a shiny yellow.

In a less grandiose way, I came to believe that the Philosopher’s Stone can be bone, metal, cloud or water. That the wisdom we may discover in telling the story of our search, the alchemy of our own intellectual or emotional metamorphosis is in celebrating the heritage of the moth.

… The heat is back to the desert and my dog is snoring under my desk.


June 15, 2024

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2024

Sunday, June 9, 2024

What You Miss



When you wipe

Dry eyes

With scar



Or with


Of the days



You do not


The smile



But you





June 9, 2024

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2024

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sunset Thoughts



They say

There are three

Types of secrets


Those we hide from



Those we hide from



And secrets that

Make you



Even when

You still wish

To remember


May 25, 2024

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2024