Wednesday, August 14, 2013

From Susanoo to CapeTanaerum

When I return
My voyage would have taken
The space of foggy days
In cities of square windows
And women with large hands

Of sleepy ports and ships dreaming of seas
Of white stone houses and rain-softened wooden doors
Behind which my dreams
Left a promise and kept me outside
For I did not ask for more
As my space of wondering days
Had enough room for only one

When I return
I will tell of those lands
Where I was but did not visit
Where I loved and did not resist
About the swing of sun-bleached wooden windows
Open upon fields of wheat, olive orchards
Mossy graveyards or snowy hills

When I return
My voyage would have taken
The space of a summer rain
Upon a field of coquelicot

November 20, 2011
©Vahé Kazandjian, 2013

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