Saturday, September 7, 2013

Nocturna in D-Mension

To repeat
The same thought
In a crowded place
Which once
Was your mind

To ring the bell
Yet hug yourself
For there is no one around
Before sunrise
To wipe your face
Of the dream
You thought
You had

To look at your feet
As if they were away
Elongating and stretching
To a place you recall
But cannot find its name
In the red phone book
Always in your purse
Where only one phone number
Is kept

To wait, expecting
That from behind the old walnut tree
Your son will come back
Dressed in scents
And rays
From the shore you once left
But, did you leave it for sure?

And you want to be one again
With yourself, and for all times to come
But time has gone by
Yet kept a thought of you
In a frame, yellowed and fragile
As you have become
But often wonder why

Why you left yourself
One August day
On a shore of froth, war and tears
But left for a short while only
Till the Mediterranean finds its blues again
And calls you back
In Jasmin and morning Gardenia
For sure, as promised

That short time,
Dear mother,
Became a lifetime

September 7, 2013
 © Vahé Kazandjian, 2013

I took this picture of a statue in the main cemetery of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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