Monday, July 23, 2018

Vino Nobile

Anybody can live without anybody
Will that make the three red coated priests
Answer my question
By running away?

Vino nobile. 
Stop crying for your glass is empty
For the night is full of cries by those
Women who still have bird feathers in their hats
And fox tails around their necks

And they do not recall their names
As all last missions are unfinished
That is why they are the final respite
To all dreams that start in streets of concrete
And end near the bluest of seas

… A bouquet of carnations 
And a door key 
The stony walls of medieval towns
Smell of moisture like young faces do
After hours of tears
About a name they thought to be their last name

Before they learn
That anybody can live without anybody
If their glass is empty
But the vino is nobile
Like a promise made
Under a white parasol
Next to the bluest of seas

July 23, 2018
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2018

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Spitting Watermelon Seeds

It was a simple tune, stormy but calm
We once whistled without fear
When the waves crashed by near
Before the moon let her hair down

For a midnight bath

I can still fill my fear
With the thick smell of salty moss
Which made the rocks shine in moonlight
Covered by the acrid cloud of tobacco smoke

For a midnight escape

There were walls of old stones
Eroded and pensive like sailors' wives
Waiting, hoping, yet offering wine and fried fish
To sailors other than their hairy men

For a midnight companionship

... Today
When lightning lights the desert sand in silk
I revisit oceans, mossy rocks and waves
And secretively whistle a tune stormy yet calm
And sometimes wonder if that wall of rocks

Still offers wine and fried fish
To sailors lost
In a midnight moon
And a tune

July 14, 2018
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2018