Saturday, July 14, 2018

Spitting Watermelon Seeds

It was a simple tune, stormy but calm
We once whistled without fear
When the waves crashed by near
Before the moon let her hair down

For a midnight bath

I can still fill my fear
With the thick smell of salty moss
Which made the rocks shine in moonlight
Covered by the acrid cloud of tobacco smoke

For a midnight escape

There were walls of old stones
Eroded and pensive like sailors' wives
Waiting, hoping, yet offering wine and fried fish
To sailors other than their hairy men

For a midnight companionship

... Today
When lightning lights the desert sand in silk
I revisit oceans, mossy rocks and waves
And secretively whistle a tune stormy yet calm
And sometimes wonder if that wall of rocks

Still offers wine and fried fish
To sailors lost
In a midnight moon
And a tune

July 14, 2018
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2018

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