Monday, September 23, 2019

Hi Coucou

Wild grass
Burn the desert
In sand and clay

The rabbit stays
In the shade
Of the fire plume

The quail runs
Away from
Its burned feathers

Dry brush
Still on the hill
Rain on the way

September 23, 2019
©Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2019

It is monsoon season in Arizona and the skies have opened to pour all the water they can hold. Flooding happens quickly when the ground is so dry for so long.
I was reading Haikus by Matsuo Basho circa 1680s. After a few line, ”Haiku sounded like “coucou” and I thought of the roadrunner, one of the most recognizable birds of the desert, moving in short but fast runs like a Haiku.
So, decided to try a few short runs of my own upon the empty screen.

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