Saturday, December 28, 2019

Correction About a Statement I Made in a Recent Essay

I received a comment about one of my recent posting where I mentioned Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago and said that the name meant “life” in Russian.  The comment I got (the complete message can be seen at the bottom of the above essay) includes:

"Zhivago, a name that means life in Russian" - this is what wikipedia climes with reference to Mary and Paul Rowland (Rowland, Mary F. and Paul Rowland. Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago. Southern Illinois University Press: 1967.) By Russians it is not so simple and the name Живаго comes from a prayer that impressed Pasternak in his childhood "Ты есть воистину Христос, сын Бога живаго" ,

I did visit the suggested site which is in Russian, and if the translation is correct, then Pasternak’s character of Yuri has a name that goes beyond a boy’s name (ie. Zhivago or Jivago) but represents the character itself. As such, and based on reported influence on Pasternak a line from a prayer has had, the better interpretation of Dr. Zhivago may be “a doctor for all living”.

I appreciate the comment I received as it got me researching and learning more about the history of the name and why Pasternak may have used it in his novel. While I understand that it is correct that outside the novel itself, Jivago is the name of a boy and means life, it is equally correct that Pasternak may have used the name to define a character and the socio-political context of the times.
So, Omar Sharif impersonated a character that mixed the goodness of a healer to the analysis of politics. Here is an example of what he said:

Ah, but cutting out the tumors of injustice, that’s a deep operation. Someone must keep life alive while you do it, by living. Isn’t that right?

After receiving the comment about my incomplete statement now I know more about Pasternak’s creativity in choosing a name that meant more than a name. It was a symbolic encapsulation of the times.

December 28, 2019
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2019

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