Thursday, June 18, 2020

Mandolino Plucked with the Plectrum of Remembrance

The strings of my mandolino have the farewell of memory
Borrowed from the imagination of hands
That once wondered on a distant balcony
How the city below remembers full moons

I was given that mandolino
To hear myself grow with time
I did not know that the melody of my grandfather’s tears
Would stay silent in the space
Where I became what I once was
Unknowing and grateful

And I accepted that
While the dead are done with the losses they kept secret
I had to learn how to mourn my own losses
On the strings of a mandolino
When my hands were ready again

To play

PS/ This 75-years old mandolino was given to me by my grandfather, a professional musician, almost 60 years ago. I kept it silent since. Today, I heard it play a melody borrowed from my own imagination.

June 18, 2020
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2020

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