Saturday, November 21, 2020

We All Love in Accepting Ways



Even when so much has passed

Through and next our path to go

It will happen that the foretold

On a day clear as a singer’s throat

Will join a promise with its own



And in the rush of finishing

A journey we started alone

Across the way, where footprints show the way

It will happen that the foretold

Will make a wet rock

A rest for our tired wait


And then, as quiet as an acorn falling

Vast spaces will hold the whisper we shared

In acceptance and in hope

That foot prints along our journey

Will still leave a patch of old snow



And it is there

That winter will carry the cozy in its breath

To melt that patch in slow and in the sign of the goodbye

That was left behind a door, on a winter day

In a past that let footsteps mark the path

Where we once got lost

With acceptance


November 21, 2020

© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2020


PS/ In 2014 I co-authored a fictional biography book with a friend and writer I had met four decades ago. The publisher of the book, a Montréal, Canada based printing house, wanted to use one of my photographs for the cover. The choice was made to use a photo I had taken in Nazaré, Portugal where a couple walked on the sandy beach next to foot prints already on the sand.

Here is about that book and a photo of the cover:

This poem tackles similar memories.

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