Sunday, July 28, 2019


“You seem to move like when we can express everything in monosyllabs” he said without looking at me.
I did not answer, as the answer was obvious.

“Love, soul, death, dream and trust are all monosyllabic words. I think our most important descriptors are monosyllabs” I finally replied.

… When I left the outdoor café where we sometimes meet to talk about what is left after most of our life-days have passed, I thought about the idea that one can move in a way that makes his life philosophy obvious.

I think most of us, for a period of our live, try to be uneventful to the eyes of others. We minimize variability and we remain quiet about variation. But that changes at a later time in life. We become ourselves and like it. It does not matter what variability others see in us or thru us – we feel comfortable painting what our brush allows us to paint. We like making hunting bags out of rabbit skin. We grow a ponytail. We still use film in our mechanical cameras. We love without letting people know, because it is not their business anymore. And we walk as if all we only care about what can be described in monosyllabic words.

Sky, sun, stay, eyes and heart.
Trust and guilt. Void and feel.

Then we jump ahead. We find a few people who do not pretend to be interested in many topics. They talk about only a few and practice their interest without pretention. We go and have coffee with such people. And, on the way to the café, we walk like we use monosyllabs.

Hero, friend, stay, leave, fly.

About the photo:  I took it from my kayak. The eagle was at the edge of a large boulder, and in this frame, it seemed to be looking into his own self. When I printed this photo all I could think about was introspection. Even eagles do that!

July 28, 2019
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2019

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