Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Déjà You

Love returns in half-shut eyes
In a touch you expected                                       
When love was new
When it was the first time around                           
And you thought                     
It was to last
That it was the last
Pair of deep eyes
You could drink from

Love returns in the dangling
Of a thin sandal
Upon toes you loved to hold
On windy nights
On nights when listening to time
You held your breath, stayed still
So you can whisper
And not care if you were heard

Love returns in a name
You often had named others
To remind you of a promise made an August night, near the bluest sea
When in a touch you lived the embrace
When in morning dew you lived the sunset
To realize that to love
You do not need a lover
But to take time
And find that name
You often named others
And now
Make it yours

Love returns often uninvited
While you say goodbye
But keep your lips locked
As if to hold captive
The name and the surprised eyes
To which you once gave a name
Hoping love would return
One day
When invited…

September 10, 2008

©Vahé Kazandjian, 2013

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