Friday, August 23, 2019


Got an email from a reader who did not sign the message as most of the comments I get. Indeed, in my August 10 posting about national awakening through poetry, I had typed the Estonian national prose awakening document incorrectly – it should be Kalevipoeg (Kalievipoek in Estonian meaning Kalev’s Son) and not Klavipoeg as I had written.

I have made the correction, with thanks. And, as I was typing somehow I wondered why would someone find the word Umbrella funny, or suggest reading Jonathan Livingston’s Seagull…

August 23, 2019
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2019

1 comment:

  1. and I'm wondering too, drinking my early morning coffee with cardamom, how the full moon night can build the Austrian fortress in a small crazy island on a Adriatic sea full of stones with a hole, and then make a simple slice of local prosciutto to full rose flower ... maybe one day I can read this from a book telling the journey of a single ear ring ...
