Sunday, August 25, 2019

Stony Walls

It was just a drop
But I drowned in it
The moment got lost
In the whisper of fear
And the drop filled
All spaces

There was no morning
After a night of wonder
Coffee was bitter, butter had
And dogs started barking
In loneliness

It was just a drop
That covered my page
In words I had forgotten
In passion that once was
And made my pen bleed
In dark ink and colour

There was no morning
After I wrote that page
In sounds cities make
When all sleep in pain
In sounds the fall mist gives
To the top of tall

And then
I drank the coffee
Scratched my belly
And wore my heavy boots
To go out
And feed

August 25, 2019
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2019

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