Friday, May 30, 2014

Late Harvest

I did not know that I had left
For when I came back
I became
What I had left
And what had left me

When the pain stops
Of that pain I still think
For I did not know it had left
So many lines upon my front
Like lines a harsh plow can make
Upon clay, rocks but give the hope
To harvest again

I did not know
That in the mist
Cotton-clouds get often lost
And upon lands of lavish green
They rain

... When the rain stops
I won’t go out
A world just washed
Cannot whisper the sounds tears make
When lips are dry
And time has passed

I could not know for I had left
A wound open upon forgotten
As a goodbye
When I came back

May 29, 2014

© Vahé Kazandjian, 2014

I took this picture handheld with a 1948 Rolleiflex Medium Format camera on ASA 100 film. The Zeiss Opton lens captured the shades of the setting with remarkable truthfulness to what my eyes had seen.

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