Thursday, May 8, 2014

Secret Gardens

Shake the morning
Off your lips
And look, look hard
To find that sound
You once made in secret
Among the crowds
Around you

          It will rain
          And nothing will be washed away
          As you rub your present
          Like an old piece of clothing
          Upon the washboard
          Of yesterday.
          Nothing will be washed away
          No matter how hard you rub
          Under the rain
          That sound likes secret thoughts
          You often had
          During humid sunsets
          On a balcony
          Of iron and concrete

Touch your belly
Who was there once?
You are alone
In a room without a bed
In a bed without promises
Wondering if ash trees will shade
Your window, at noon
           You have to make your own clouds
           And walk again upon that rocky beach
           Where he played with your toes
           You have to find that inner river
           Where you threw yourself
           For a swim at first
           But to drown one night.
           Touch your belly:
           Who was there then?

Mix your morning taste
With the sound hard pillows make
When you turn around
As if to turn the page
Of a book you hope to write
One September day
When rain cannot wash
Its own face
Of the times
You lost
To yourself

May 8, 2014

©Vahé Kazandjian, 2014

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