Friday, May 16, 2014

Nymphæa alba

It is in the promise of solitude that nenuphars gather
To make a pond where in white and silver, they hold inside
The fear of the secret tremble which their nights cover in pain
While the courtesy of time holds the sand stones apart

To form a bridge where wild thyme abound
To clean the exhale of evening airs whirling like a Sufi dance
When the wind is from the North or when the young frogs jig and lance
As they once did, from drifting nenuphar to drifting nenuphar

Since the promise was enchanted, yet cold as the spring of love
Secret as its seasons, lonesome as its embrace
For love was a pond upon which the shadow of time had fallen          
From the bridge, covered in thyme, holding on to the passage in vain

Near that pond, a new promise whispers to all water lily
To gather while drifting aimlessly to other nenuphars
For a short while, wandering with the North breeze
And now painless

May 16, 2014

© Vahé A. Kazandjian

I took this picture in Tainan City, Taiwan, during a walk at sunrise

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